Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cyathea Rebeccae 9 months old

I bought these fern spores on ebay , around April . Up until October there hadn't been much change , just a lot of wet brown dusty granules . And then the specks began to turn green , I really was convinced that nothing was going to happen . I think they were stimulated a bit by extra exposure to the light .


  1. they look great, Pete - well worth the patience :)

  2. Thanks Lis , its cheap too , , I realized all the plants I were interested in but were never available in the shops , were available through mail order . So , for example , these spores cost me about $6 including postage . I now have to try to create an environment of shade and abundant moisture for them to survive , yes building a bio sphere is probably my next project .

  3. saw this article and thought of you.

    I tried to email it but the email address I have for you must be old as it doesn't work :(

  4. Thanks for the link , I looked it up , very interesting .. I will forward you my email via flickr
